mardi 1 juin 2010

When do you going to know that you really speak English now.

If you study English you ask you self a lot of question. My English is it very good? Do people understand me when I am talking? But the moment where you really master English you go to know that by yourself. And I think that there two ways that going to make you know if you understand the language. The first one is when you going to stop to translate in your head when someone talks or when you want to say something. I say that because actually it’s my case if I have to say something I try to translate it before in my head or when someone is talking I translate it in my head in my own language. And the second way that going to really show you that you master the language is when you make a morning and you see that your entire dream you did last night was in English. In this way you will now that you really talk English. I am really urged to wake up a morning and feel this kind of situation.

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