mardi 1 juin 2010

What have you learned about writing this quarter?

This quarter is my first quarter and I learn about how to write essay. I study a lot of kin of essay that I never study even in my country. I learn different kind of essay like narrative assay, comparative essay, cause and effects and argumentative essays. They help me a lot it help me to know how to combine my idea. Because I think that it’s not really difficult to get some ideas about a topic or a subject but the most difficult is how to arrange this idea. And arrange your Idea is a good thinks because it going to help you in writing and it going to help you in speaking too, because if you speak you have to arrange your idea for help people who listen you to understand you. I learn how to make a good topic sentence and a clear thesis statement. Its help me to improve my vocabulary because if you write an essay you have to use a lot of words. And I like the way by the teacher use for teach us how to write really good. For example she ask us to write to entries in a blog every week so it’s a good way for improve your writing. And I know that all the things that I study in writing this quarter going to help me in my next classes.

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