mercredi 21 avril 2010



How a simple trip to another country can change your life. Wednesday 17th 2010 I left my country where I stayed 21 years for come in USA. It was a big event which changed my life because It is the first time when I leave my country and my family. It is difficult to imagine how a simple trip can change many things in your life. Personally this event changed my life negatively and positively.

My life has started to change negatively due only two reasons. The first is that I live in a very united family. So it was very difficult for me to separate with them. I am here since one month and yet I am not in habit to stay far than my family. Although I can not see them I try to talk with them every day. The second reason is I like too much my country’s food. I can not eat him here because I can not cook. But I know that can not do otherwise because it is my choice and choice means lose something too.

My life changes positively because I know that I will receive a good education in USA because there are good universities here. This is the main reason that I chose to leave Senegal for come to study in United States. Another positive thing is I study a new language that is English. That is a good thing to speak English because it is the first language in the world. Although the learning is so difficult for me yet, I say that I will be good if I practice a lot. Another positive point is I meet a lot of people with deferent culture .The united states are a country very diversified because there are a lot of people who come from all over .

Even if the beginning is difficult for me now I hope that I will it will be better for me in a few days. But the most important is to discover many new things. I think that life is just series of adventure and I hope that I will make others cases of adventure.

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